Pangolins are enigmatic animals that continue to captivate people worldwide. What remains a mystery to many is the collective term that can describe them when they gather as a group. So, if you’ve ever pondered the existence of such a group name for pangolins, read on to discover what it is or whether they even possess one.
What Are Animal Group Names?
Animal group names are distinct terms used to refer to a group of animals of the same species, family, or genus. Examples of popular animal group names are a pod of dolphins, a troop of kangaroos, and a swarm of bees.
What Is A Group Of Pangolins Called?
There is no official name for a group of pangolins because they are not exactly popular and are also very solitary.
Do Pangolins Live In Groups?
Pangolins are typically solitary animals that prefer to live alone, unlike some animals that live in groups or packs. While they may not live in groups, pangolins sometimes share their habitats with other animals since they periodically form pairs.