In a world where animals often have specific group names, like a “pride” of lions or a “murder” of crows, sharks also have names that can be used to refer to them as a group. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of sharks to uncover the secrets behind their group names.
What Are Animal Group Names?
Animal group names are words used to portray a collection of animals of the same species, family, or genus. These titles are frequently intriguing, amusing, and illustrative. Examples of well-known animal group names are a swarm of moths, a pack of jackals, and a cloud of grasshoppers.
What Is A Group Of Sharks Called?
Sharks, like many other creatures, have various collective nouns that you can use to refer to them as a group. Here’s a list of some of the most famous shark group names.
The most common group name for sharks is a “shiver.” A shiver consists of only two or three sharks of the same gender.
Sharks belonging to the same species often form large groups called schools. These groups can vary widely in size, ranging from just a few individuals to possibly hundreds of sharks, and sometimes even more. These schools include both males, females, and babies, working together to hunt and survive. The term ‘school’ is not limited to sharks alone and is frequently employed to label groups of different fishes, dolphins, and whales.
A group of sharks can also be called a Pod. A shark pod is just another term for a shark school.
The term “herd” isn’t a commonly used term to refer to a group of sharks. This collective noun arises from their comparable size to that of a group of mammals like cows or zebras since the term ”herd” is basically one of the most popular collective nouns for a gathering of many animals of the same species.
The term ”feeding frenzy” literally means an occasion when a group of sharks or other fish attack something, so it’s quite befitting that a group of sharks is also called a frenzy. Frenzy means a state of great activity and strong emotion that is often violent or frightening and not under control. This aligns well with sharks since it can be quite sensational and tumultuous when they eat.
A “shoal” of sharks is used to denote a collective of sharks that swim closely in proximity, frequently exhibiting coordinated motion. This term is often employed to depict the congregation or accumulation of sharks within a specific region. This term can also be used for other types of marine animals.
A group of sharks can also be called a ”mob.” Mob is used when sharks collaborate to overpower their intended prey. This conduct is frequently witnessed in some specific species of sharks, like the hammerhead shark.
Do Sharks Live In Groups?
Some shark species exhibit group behaviors, often to make it easier to catch and kill their prey. Great white sharks may gather near seal colonies to ambush them, while other species, like Basking and gray reef sharks, group for feeding. So, although sharks typically prefer living alone, specific species, like hammerheads and basking sharks, tend to form groups for feeding and mating purposes. On the other hand, species like great whites and tiger sharks prefer to be solitary or live in tiny groups.
References And Further Reading
Feeding Frenzy. Oxford Learners Dictionaries.
Frenzy. Oxford Learners Dictionaries.